About ReadSquared
Our History
ReadSquared has its roots in a custom software development company that specialized in creating solutions for complex state and county systems. In 2013, an opportunity arose to revolutionize summer reading programs for libraries.
Since then, our team, led by ReadSquared President Barry Young, has been dedicated to enhancing reading programs and empowering children to improve their literacy skills. We have spent years actively listening to librarians, incorporating their feedback, and adding features and functions to meet their goals.

Features For Librarians
At ReadSquared, we believe in providing flexible solutions that adapt to the unique needs of each librarian. Our configurable features allow librarians to customize the program to align with their specific goals.
With ReadSquared, librarians can create their own book lists and link them directly to their library catalog. Our readers advisory service and integration with NoveList Select offers personalized recommendations. Our program also includes gamified elements, curriculum-aligned missions, and leaderboards.

Read From Our Librarians
Our district is one-to-one in devices, and our students are able to access our entire digital library directly through customized links in the ReadSquared app. We use the motivational elements of the app, like badging, leaderboards, and mini games to create gamified summer reading!
-Emma McDonald, Mesquite (Texas) Independent School District